November Featured Client in 2020 is BI-BETT!

Every month, 360 WEB DESIGNS features one of our clients. We welcome Bi-Bett to the 360 W.D teams. We show their website on our homepage and post the news on our blog and social media accounts. We like to help our clients grow their businesses. Feel free to share on your Social Media!

Our Current Featured Client is BI-BETT!


Bi-Bett is a California Non-Profit Corporation founded in 1969 which provides Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment services in Alameda, Solano, and Contra Costa Counties.  Bi-Bett plays an important role in the community providing desperately needed treatment services with an array of intensities which include Withdrawal Management (Detox), Residential, Perinatal, Outpatient, and DUI outpatient counseling programs.

Mission statement
To provide effective and affordable human services to individuals, families, and communities with alcohol and drug-related problems in the belief that everyone has value and can grow through change if given one’s rightful opportunity to choose. Our goal is to create culturally appropriate alcohol and drug-free environments in which one may experience personal and social growth. Visit their website today!


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