Simple Tips to Improve Website Design #4 – Using Color Strategically

Using color strategically.

Researchers agree that colors greatly influence the human state of mind. The color scheme that you use on your web site can entice the visitor to engage in the goal of your site (i.e. make a purchase or request your services) or leave it after the first few seconds. Even if they are not aware of it, your visitors will be greatly influenced in their decision to keep browsing your site or to leave it because of the poor selection of colors and other visual displayed elements.

Using a mostly neutral color palette can help your site project a professional, clean and modern appearance. Incorporating small dashes of color for the headlines or key graphics can help guide visitors to your most important content.

It is also important to use a color palette that complements your logo and is consistent with your other marketing materials.

Please contact 360 Web Designs, if you would like us to review your website color, design, and layout.


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