Why do I Need an SSL certificate?

360 Web Designs would like to discuss the main reasons you really need to have an SSL certificate for your website. Let’s go over what SSL does for your website and your visitors.

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a security standard which establishes an encrypted link between the web server and the web browser. The link makes sure that all the data transferred between the connection is fully secured and private. If you don’t have an SSL certificate, then a secure connection cannot be established. The certificate allows the information passed from server to computer to be encrypted. If it’s not encrypted, then any computer between your computer and the server connection could intercept the data. In other words, sensitive information can be stolen. Having an SSL is paramount to protecting you from cybercrime.

Google will FLAG your Unsecured Website!

This is the biggest reason to have SSL installed! Google flags ALL unencrypted internet websites and pages. This means if you don’t have an SSL certificate, your website will show a “Not Secure” prompt in the URL bar. You might have already seen this and strayed away from a website! Think of other visitors who may be wanting to visit your site, only to see “Not Secure” show up on the URL bar! They will probably leave immediately! Your website will not even show up in Google searches, giving your competitors who are using SSL an advantage. Here is an example of an unsecured site:

Not Secure Website Example | 360 Web Designs


Protection from Hackers

HTTP is the text protocol which sends information from the computer to the server. HTTPS is the secure version. By encrypting information, you protect sensitive information between you and the client. This means protection when inputting sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or user information.

Builds User’s Trust

When you have an SSL certificate installed on your website, your customers will see visual verifications from the web browser that shows the website is safe to visit. This makes your business credible and trust-worthy. It also shows that you care about your visitor’s safety when browsing your site. Adding SSL will increase your internet traffic greatly.


Having an SSL certificate is a big deal. Not only is your website secure, but your visitors too. Google and other search engines will reward you by moving you up in rank. This will not only increase your security, but your business will be booming as well. It doesn’t cost much to add SSL to your website, and the price will be small compared to the business that will be pouring in! Help make your website work its best for you by adding SSL to your website today!



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