WordPress Tutorials Lesson 2 – Publishing and Improving Posts

Welcome back to Lesson 2 in our series of WordPress tutorials.   360 Web Designs is pleased to be explaining how to improve and publish posts/blogs on your website. We’ll explain step by step instructions with picture guides to help refresh your memory!

Publishing A Post

To publish a post/blog click on ‘posts’ with the thumbtack image next to it. Once inside you can see where all the posts you have written are.  To add a new post simply click ‘Add New’ on the top left of the page.  WordPress will then direct you a blank template in which to start.  At this point you can:

  • Begin writing
  • Add images
  • Add a category
  • Edit SEO
  • Check readability
  • Publish/Save as draft

The process of publishing a post or scheduling it is identical to publishing a page. Click here to read our tutorial on publishing.

Improving Content

Once you begin writing you will notice on the right-hand side under “Publish” there will be ‘Readability: ok/bad/good.’ This indicates how well written your post is. Having a well-written post increases your readers’ chances of continuing to read your posts in the future. In addition, it also improves the SEO.  Writing a post to boost its readability is easy and simple. Here are some key features and steps you should do.

1.Have Subtitles

Having subtitles breaks up content. Unless you are writing a novel, your reader’s eyes’ will tire from blocks of text.

2. Have Bullet Points 

Bullet points allow the main points or ideas of the text to be conveyed clearly.

3. Keep it Simple

A post or blog is not the place to delve into the deep discussion using long words to try to get your idea across. Instead, you want to convey short simple points that will remain in your readers’ mind.

4. Key Words

Keys words are words that are used by the SEO. This allows web search engines to find your website easier through the use of that word. For example, if I were to type ‘Tutorials’ into a browser, a website that has the word ‘Tutorials’ for their keyword will pop up more towards the top of the list. A word used repetitively throughout your post will become your keyword. Make sure to use it!

WordPress Tutorial 2


At the bottom of the page there will be readability suggestions from WordPress, read these after you have written your post to see if you can improve on anything!


Next time join us to learn how to adjust your site’s general information displayed! 



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