Alcohol Justice

29 Nov 2021

Dear Friends and Allies,

I’m Cruz Avila, the new Executive Director at Alcohol Justice. I’ve only been part of the Alcohol Justice work family since September of this year. But the organization has been working nonstop for 35 years, taking action against a rapacious industry that preys upon the disadvantaged, the marginalized, and those too young to see beyond the seductive marketing of truly dangerous products.

I am honored and blessed to join these efforts to reign-in Big Alcohol by taking decisive actions that place the health and safety of our vulnerable communities above industry profits.

On November 30, 2021, we ask for your help in supporting this important work. Contributions on #GivingTuesday launch a season of giving that will help support our efforts in the new year. Please consider joining us by:

1) Making a charitable gift on November 30th through the Alcohol Justice Donation Page

2) Learning more about Alcohol Justice campaigns and projects

3) Signing-up for Alcohol Justice eNews and Action Alerts

4) Following and friending Alcohol Justice on our social media platforms

I’m deeply grateful to be here and for your interest and generosity. By joining with us on #GivingTuesday, we will move forward together to hold Big Alcohol accountable for damaging public health and diminishing social justice.

From my work family and my personal family to yours, best wishes for peaceful holidays and a kinder, more equitable new year,


Cruz Avila
Executive Director
Alcohol Justice

VEA una mensaje especial de Cruz Avila, Directora Ejecutiva de Alcohol Justice.
WATCH a special message from Alcohol Justice Executive Director Cruz Avila.

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