Alcohol Justice

24 Nov 2020

Dear Friends and Allies,

#GivingTuesday—the global day of giving—is one week away!

It has been a notably rough year for me, for you and the world. Even while I work with my kids being at home doing school, and practically living on Zoom calls, I am so proud of the work of our Alcohol Justice staff, Board Directors and allied organizations this year.

In 2021, Alcohol Justice will celebrate 34 years of taking action against an industry that preys upon the disadvantaged, the marginalized, and those too young to see beyond the seductive marketing of truly dangerous products. We do this by watchdogging Big Alcohol, forming coalitions of concern, and taking decisive actions to place the health and safety of our communities above industry profits.

On December 1, 2020, we ask for your help in supporting our important work. Requesting a contribution on #GivingTuesday is a timely way to launch a season of giving that will empower our efforts into the new year. Please consider helping us continue this movement towards social justice in public health.

Here how:

1) On December 1, make a charitable gift through the Alcohol Justice Donation Page

2) Learn more about the campaigns and projects of Alcohol Justice:

California Alcohol Policy Alliance (CAPA)
Youth for Justice
.05 Saves Lives
Los Angeles Drug and Alcohol Policy Alliance (LADAPA)
Free Our Sports
Proyecto Latino TAM
Native Americans Take Action

3) Sign-up for Alcohol Justice eNews and Action Alerts

4) Follow and friend Alcohol Justice on our social media platforms:

Facebook – @AlcoholWatchdog
Twitter – @AlcoholJustice
Instagram – @alcohol_justice
YouTube – @AlcoholJustice
Please join with us on #GivingTuesday. Together, we will continue to hold accountable this industry that damages public health while diminishing social justice.

Best wishes for a kinder, more equitable, and COVID-free new year,


Bruce Lee Livingston

Executive Director / CEO

Alcohol Justice

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