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Ionic needs only one codebase to deploy it as Web/PWA (Progressive Web App), Android, and iOS apps. It helps us build our apps using modern standard web development principles and provides a seamless native app experience in the aforementioned platforms.

Ionic vs Flutter. Why ionic is better

Ionic and Flutter share a common vision of creating beautiful, high-performance apps that work everywhere. However, our core philosophies could not be more different.
Ionic’s guiding principle is to use the web platform and embrace open standards wherever possible.
When you build with Ionic, you will learn and apply the tools and languages of the web, using a framework designed to deliver great performance on mobile, desktop, and especially, the web.
Flutter, in contrast, has chosen to go it alone, creating a self-contained ecosystem that is at odds with the common languages, tool sets, and standards found in the broader development world.
While Flutter delivers very good performance on mobile, the fundamental limitations of their architecture make it a poor choice for web-based deployments.
Your choice of solution should be based on which philosophy you align with, where and how you plan to deploy your app, and what skills you have today or would like to learn in the future.

Ionic Native Plugins

Both Android Health and Apple Healthkit for iOS have full native support in ionic. Here is the exhaustive list of more than 200 plugins that are supported by ionic framework in their community A.K.A free edition. Their enterprise edition has even more. These plugins help us harness the native feature of each platform when required.

Please visit to see all the plugins that are supported by ionic framwork.

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