Battery Storage Services

Battery and Storage Services

Because of new Utility Company regulations, it is now almost mandatory that all new solar installations include a battery to help eliminate additional fees being charged solar homes by the different California Utilities. We offer several of the top battery brands including Enphase, Sunvault, QCell, Tesla, and LGChem to name a few.

There are three different battery configurations that can be installed:

  • Consumption Only – This option will store the extra energy produced by your solar system instead of sending it to your utility company which no longer pays regular prices for the energy. It will also use that stored energy to power your home at night instead of buying the power at an inflated pricing from your utility company.
  • Backup Only – This battery system will back up part or all of your home (your choice) in the event of a utility power outage. This is especially important if you have medical equipment that needs to be supported by your electrical system or medications that need refrigeration.
  • Combination Consumption & Backup – This battery system accomplishes both of the tasks of the first two battery options.