Coronavirus, a New Normal
Today I’m getting real (personal) about Coronavirus on the blog. Yes, we are all in it together, but we are all having very different and personal experiences. Personally, I’ve been trying to manage my new life of being a homeschool teacher to two wildly different elementary school “students.” As I try and keep things as consistent and “normal” as possible, it occurs to me often that nothing we are doing during the COVID-19 pandemic is neither normal nor consistent. We are all exploring uncharted waters, and the reality is it is hard. Some days flat out suck, kids fighting, refusing to do school work, crying, dishes and laundry piled sky high, while other days seem very much like any other out of school day of my 10 year parenting career, but sadly those days are few and far between.
I long for the days of watching my kids at swim practice and socializing with parents on the pool deck. I miss my relationship with my family and being able to hug and hold my nieces and nephew. I hate that we’ve had so many quarantine birthdays, especially my son’s birthday as he turned 10 and feels very cheated on his big milestone celebration. His birthday was day ONE of California mandatory shelter in place order. In the weekend leading up to it we locked down and started to get really serious about just what this next chapter was about. I was feeling a little terrified as I imagine most of the Bay Area, California, and really most of the country were.
Ten weeks later we have a little bit more of a handle on things. Going to the grocery store has become something I have to prepare for days in advance, as I am only making one trip a week maximum. Wearing a mask, keeping groceries in bags overnight if they don’t need refrigeration or freezing and immediately heading right for the shower while my clothes head straight for the washer isn’t something I think I’ll ever get used to. I do these things for the safety of my family, much in the way that Welcome Building Maintenance is getting out in the community to help with the public’s safety.
We all want to return to how things were before the pandemic, but the truth is, that is not possible. Our country and world are forever changed by COVID-19. Things won’t go back to “normal” because that “normal” doesn’t exist anymore. Good news is humans are highly adaptable and resilient, and we will move forward together in our new normal. We will come back together as friends, community and society members. We will wear our masks to help provide a safer environment for those who are more susceptible to Coronavirus. We will stand six feet apart and limit our interactions to keep our community safe.
We at WBM will continue to go out every day and clean and sanitize for you, for your business and for our community.
Below is a link to the latests and greatest from the CDC: