After We help you discover what you want, we’ll work together to find the very best way of achieving you goal. California Playgrounds has provided the highest quality in playground structures, safety surfacing, shade structures and site furnishings for over 25 years. Customer satisfaction is our highest priority.
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We cover all services for each one of our customers. We provide all products necessary on the market, contractors who are qualified in this field. We also do site visits and project planning in all of our service areas. We Help plan your project from start to finish, and take pride in the customer satisfaction.

Contact Us Today!

Please request information here or by phone: 1-800-801-0300

Playground Categories

We offer a wide range of playgrounds to meet every need.

Ages (2-12)

When it comes to playgrounds, we are the experts. These models are specifically designed for preschools which are from 2-5 years of age.

Ages (5-12)

These playgrounds are perfect for the young ones. They feature minimal height but offers plenty of activities.


These small sized playground models are perfect for those small, limited places.


These models are not only perfect for park and recreation, they include limitless designs and colors to help find your perfect playground.

Preschool Ages (2-5)

When it comes to playgrounds, we are the experts. These models are specifically designed for preschools which are from 2-5 years of age.


Need more than just a playground? We can provide swings, wooden themes, fitness structures, and so much more!

Playground Categories

We offer a wide range of playgrounds to meet every need.

We provide some of the best quality playgrounds on the market that provide the highest child safety.

These playstructures are perfect for kids who are getting older, and interested in upper body play activities, like climbing.

Need more than just a playground? We can provide swings, wooden themes, fitness structures, and so much more!

These models are specifically designed for All ages. They will have both components for bigger children and for small children.

These small sized playground models are perfect for those small, limited places.

These models are specifically designed for preschools which are from 2-5 years of age.

These models are not only perfect for park and recreation, they include limitless designs and colors to help find your perfect playground.

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